Water Softener

Britannic supplies advanced Water Softener which produce completely soft water. Water Softeners operates on an ion exchange process remove calcium and magnesium ions as well as some other ions from the water. During this process, water passes through a special media bed; the media bed usually is supersaturated with the positive ion sodium, which is a positive ion. When hard water passes through the softening material the ion exchange process starts. Positively charged Calcium and Magnesium ions (hardness minerals) attach themselves to the resin beads, and at the same time sodium on the resin beads is released into the water. As soon as the resin becomes saturated with calcium and magnesium, it has to be recharged. Recharging is done by passing a concentrated salt brine solution through the resin (potassium chloride can also be used to create the salt brine for Softeners). The concentrated sodium replaces the trapped calcium and magnesium ions which are then discharged in the waste water.

Advantages of Water Softeners:

  • To reduce scale deposits over water heaters heating element which may get damage frequently.
  • Increases life of bathroom fittings and home appliances.
  • Soft water increases effectiveness of soaps, shampoo for shower. Your soap and shampoo will lather better. Hair and skin will feel soft and clean.
  • There will be no soap scum or mineral deposits on your sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.
  • Also soft water cleanup dishes more easily and reduce consumption cleaning chemicals.
  • Also you will get brighter and cleaner laundry. Using soft water increases life of clothes, towels and linens etc